Monday, April 28, 2008

Goodwill Hunting

After too long of a hiatus, we've finally taken pictures and found the time to post on our silly and cute blog. The first of these pictures is a fashion trend that shouldn't exist. Overalls? Gross. Tim Gunn wouldn't approve, and neither do we. The second photo is entitled "Super Tacky Prom". I think that says enough about that. Prom is bad. However, prom in these outfits would be worse. More pictures from our tacky prom will be posted for a better idea of extreme tackiness. In conclusion, happy summer. 

No se,

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Silly Faces

Hello friends! I figured it was time to post some more pictures and thankfully we have a stockpile of maclay gardens pictures to choose from. Taylor and I are always making silly faces at each other. Actually, I have been making silly faces since the womb but now I can make them at a cute boy. These are two quite common faces. Both are cute. Both make me smile a good bit. Hope you find them as cute as we do.
Love Always,

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fresh Feeling


With so many beautiful pictures from Maclay Gardens, it's hard to choose only a couple to write about. Here are two of my personal favorites. Funny story: the first of these pictures was a scary experience for Marcia. Not only did she have to sit very close to me while it was taken (which is obviously scary), but she also was almost attacked by bumble bees several times, probably due to the fact that we put flowers behind our ears. The second was less intense but more itchy. But both were worth the risks; just look at them!
