Saturday, September 6, 2008

Catching Pneumonia (or "Rain")

We are really bad at blogging. Sorry. However, we're finally getting around to it after being in Tallahassee for the past month. I promise I'll bring my camera more awesome places. These pictures were taken at the first home game of the season where it poured. Taylor and I have some fierce school spirit and waited out lots of rain to see about a minute of game play before the next rain delay. It was basically awesome. We like FSU.

Love, Marcia

Marcia lied. Neither of us are bad ad blogging; we are just busy/lazy.

I titled this post "Rain" after the song by the same title by a band called Bishop Allen. You should listen to it. After a spring semester of some of the most depressing rain experienced in the history of planet Earth, tonight's rain, despite the game delays, was an enormous sigh of relief. In the couple of hours that we sat waiting, we managed to (probably) loose our voices (we'll know for sure tomorrow), make fun of our school (but mostly the students at our school) in a variety of ways, and take a series of strange and humorous photos. Enjoy.

Love (truly), Taylor

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Long Overdue!

I know it seems like we've ditched this blog but we've really just been quite busy working, scheming and wishing we were in Tallahassee. The pictures above are from quite possibly the best date to date. To celebrate our six month of dating, Taylor planned a Disney extravaganza. We went to MGM- er- Hollywood Studios to ride the new Toy Story ride that I've been obsessing over. It was so worth it! Amazing and way fun. Then we rode a ferry to the Beach and Yacht Club and ate adorably tricksy French ice cream. Then it was off to EPCOT! We saw our future a few times and went on a Norwegian boat ride like no other. We laughed at tourist in plastic ponchos and watched a video on the beauty of France. Then it was off to the main reason for our Disney excursion and Taylor's pride of planning, the fancy Bistro de Paris. We dined on duck and escargot, frog legs and creme brulee. Mmm. This was by far the best meal ever with the best date ever. To top of our fantastic evening we watched the fireworks from our French restaurant as we sipped tea and coffee.  The perfectly planned date made me feel so loved and cherished. I felt and feel so honored that someone would go through such detailed planning to spend a day with me. This truly made me love not only the past six months but look forward to the future months even more! 

Monday, June 30, 2008


According to Ikea, "fika" is what we say when we take a coffee break. Until about five minutes ago, the actual meaning of the word "fika" was unknown to me, but, thanks to wikipedia, I have just discovered that it is a verb that roughly translates "to drink coffee". The use of this word generally implies a break from work or a social activity with friends or on a date, so I think that this word sums up the pictures in this post. The only mystery left to solve regards the information from Ikea: I would not normally say "to drink coffee!" while taking a coffee break, so why would anyone say the equivalent in Swedish?

In any case, this summer has been a busy one for Marcia and me. We both work about 40 hours a week, leaving little time for such things as blogging. Since I've posted, I have finished my first year of college, worked at five different Starbucks, bought a car, wrecked a car, got a second job, been fired from my second job, and made approximately 23,492 lattes. But I finally have a long enough break from coffee to post some pictures.

The first of these two was taken at the Coffee Pub in Tallahassee. Coffee shops in Tallahassee mean a lot to Marcia and me, and this is one of the best. If I remember correctly, this picture was taken on April 8. three months after Marcia and I began dating. The second picture was taken more recently in one of the Orlando Starbucks that I've spent a lot of time in. I'm not sure why we took this picture, but I'm sure there was a good reason at the time. At least, I probably thought there was a good reason at the time while Marcia was trying to figure out how in the world I thought this was a good idea.

We have more pictures coming, and will have way more after July 8, the day marking six months of dating, though only I have any idea where those pictures will be taken. Now it's a surprise for both Marcia and anyone who's reading our blog. Check back soon!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Take Your Boyfriend to Work Day

Well, kids. After a blogging hiatus due to lots of work, we're back with some cute pictures to share. Taylor and I went to Universal for our Saturday off. It was really fun to get to spend the day using my sweet hookups and it was even better to get to spend the entire day with Taylor. It was great to get to be a guest but it was even better to ride some pretty sweet roller-coasters  with my boyfriend. These pictures show us being silly in Seuss Landing and us chilling at my current place of employment. Have a Dino-mite day, friends! 


Monday, May 26, 2008

Two Weeks in Hawaii

Well, neither of us have the time or the money to spend two weeks in Hawaii but we can venture into the tourist trap of I-drive for some Hawaiian mini-golf. It turns out neither us are really that good at mini-golf but in our defense the Hawaiian rumble mini-golf course is deceiving. I'd like to meet someone who can play that course on par.  I had a lot of fun. I think the last time I went mini-golfing was the eighth grade so it was fun to get to be a kid again. It was so nice to get to spend the evening with Taylor. We're both so busy these days.  We topped our night off with peach italian soda, a Tallahassee favorite that only made us miss Tallahassee more. 


Thursday, May 22, 2008

World Spins Madly On

This has been a crazy busy week. I started working at Jurassic Park, which has been fun but quite time consuming so I haven't had the chance to see Taylor too much. It makes me quite sad but thankfully I have all this cute pictures to look at and breaks and cell phones are my new favorite things. These pictures were taken at Lake Eola. We stopped at this cute tea/ coffee shop on our way home from summer conference. I like the one by the lake the best. Even though it was windy it still turned out pretty cute. Well, I'm quite tired. Off to bed for me. 

Sleepy time she comes, 

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Let's Get Some Shoes"

What would you all do if you'd been dating for four months? Would you hit the mall and try on ridiculous clothes at stores you'd never actually purchase clothes from? That's exactly what Taylor and I would do. The first of these is a Hollister pose. Too bad you can't see the super-ripped jeans we're wearing. The next of these silly pictures is obviously an American Eagle shot. You can clearly see this from our t-shirts. Yay for brand names and miniskirts. The last pictures shows that we have not lost our minds and are still the same trindie kids that you already love; we hope. 

Keep it real, 