Saturday, September 6, 2008

Catching Pneumonia (or "Rain")

We are really bad at blogging. Sorry. However, we're finally getting around to it after being in Tallahassee for the past month. I promise I'll bring my camera more awesome places. These pictures were taken at the first home game of the season where it poured. Taylor and I have some fierce school spirit and waited out lots of rain to see about a minute of game play before the next rain delay. It was basically awesome. We like FSU.

Love, Marcia

Marcia lied. Neither of us are bad ad blogging; we are just busy/lazy.

I titled this post "Rain" after the song by the same title by a band called Bishop Allen. You should listen to it. After a spring semester of some of the most depressing rain experienced in the history of planet Earth, tonight's rain, despite the game delays, was an enormous sigh of relief. In the couple of hours that we sat waiting, we managed to (probably) loose our voices (we'll know for sure tomorrow), make fun of our school (but mostly the students at our school) in a variety of ways, and take a series of strange and humorous photos. Enjoy.

Love (truly), Taylor


Anonymous said...

Yay! An update. :-)

Abby said...

Y'all have a TON of catching up to do on this thing...